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Congratulations! As a customer of 'Red Smoothie Detox Factor', you are qualified to receive an exclusive 80% discount on:
'25 Unusual Late Night Snacks To Diminish Your Fat While You Sleep'
How To Beat All Odds With A Sweeth Tooth’ FREE for Today Only
Its Finally Here! We’re celebrating the release of our brand new mouthwatering fat diminishing snack book by making this exclusive 2 for 1 offer to our loyal ‘Red Smoothie Detox Factor’ customers. FOR TODAY ONLY – Buy ’25 Unusual Snacks To Diminish Your Fat’ and get our Best Seller ‘How To Beat The Odds And Get The Edge... EVERYTIME!’ for FREE. PLUS, an insane 80% discount to bring the price just UNDER $10! It’s practically a no-brainer deal! And here’s Why…
Experience 25 Unusual Selections of Delicious Snacks That Not Only Diminish Fat Rapidly…
Normalize Your Sugar Levels, Minimize Your Risk of Heart Disease, Eliminate Late Night Craving, Releasing Energy Activating The ‘Feel Good Hormone’ Serotonin
Discover the unknown “unhealthy snacks” that speeds up aging and weakens your immune system. This alone will make you 5 times more likely to lose weight and feel 5, 10, even 15 years YOUNGER!
Please take a couple minutes to read the information below and discover how this information is the PERFECT companion to the ‘Red Smoothie Detox Factor’. You’ll find the top youth-enhancing snacks you need to beat endless cravings and lose that annoying belly fat. Plus, use ‘Against All Odds’ to create an inner shift that finally allows you to be in TOTAL SYNC with your most personal goals for weight loss, better health, happiness, and more.
BOOST Your Metabolism & Increase Fat-Burning
Unlike the numerous diet books and irrelevant programs available, this snack book contains many treats made specifically to BOOST your metabolism and increase fat-burning inside your body. This is a natural side effect you’ll experience from the robust effects of nutrients contained in these delicious receipts! Some of these effects include:
- Powerful blood sugar control
- Hormone Balancing
- Increased Energy
- Natural Detoxification
- Reduced Inflammation
Not only will you feel young and energized with stronger joints, smooth and soft skin, and even lower the risk of cancer and diseases, but you’ll also enjoy having a LEANER BODY!
How can this snack book virtually turn any late night craving into a fat-burning session and help you create a body that looks and feels 10 years YOUNGER?
Here's just a small taste of the amazing benefits you’ll discover after reading this brand new youth-enhancing manual:
- Finally, you can eat mouth-watering snacks that will make it EASIER for you to lose weight! Get ready to welcome back A LOT of flavors and pure indulgent sensations from desserts you thought you could never have…
- A surprising snack that contains a powerful antioxidant, which sweeps out harmful free-radical molecules, preventing them from wreaking havoc on your body.
- The almost sinful homemade dessert on page 19 that not only reverses age-related memory loss but also protects the brain cells from free-radical harm.
- Your personal recipe to replace the most common snack that everyone enjoys with a homemade version that sheds your fat effortlessly by boosting your metabolism and supplying loads of vitamins and minerals. See Page 30
- The plant-based protein snack you pass when grocery shopping that reduces risk of depression, high cholesterol, free radicals, and much more!
- You'll discover 5 tasty snacks that are jam packed with protein and special herbs to HEAL any damage you've done to your digestive and cardiovascular system over the years.
- This uniquely creamy and luscious party favorite treat is a rich source of vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, and a special herb that stimulates anticancer enzymes. See page 29
- A spicy sweet treat perfect for all hours of the day that offer immune boosting phytonutrients and breaks down cholesterol levels to reduce risk of clogged arteries.
- 5 delicious and wallet friendly snacks guaranteed to give you a much needed boost in energy that will last for hours.
- The ultimate home served dip on page 10 that lowers LDL cholesterol and blood-sugar levels, reduces heart disease and cancer risk, all while providing you steady, slow-burning energy.
- The one treat you probably don’t eat that contains powerful phytonutrients that COMBAT age-related damage to your organs, skin, and joints.
- PLUS: Dozens more fat-diminishing benefits from treats to SLOW the aging process in your body to a crawl, and look and feel a decade younger than your real age.
Turning back the hands of time so you can look and feel years younger is actually pretty simple…
Just follow these simple, nutritious, easy-to-make, and scientifically proven treats.
What makes the millions of people who lose weight and MAINTAIN their health afterwards different from you?
The REAL answer comes down to making a personal break through. If you can create an inner shift that puts your mental and emotional states in line with your goal to create the body of your dreams…
Find out below how ‘Against All Odds’ will help you achieve your weight loss breakthrough and close the gap between where you are and where you want to be.
- Blast through ‘Red Smoothie Detox Factor’ with your newly enhanced iron clad willpower and watch as the trouble areas of your body – like your hips, butt, belly, or thighs – magically tone up and look sexier than ever.
- Don’t just recognize your health problems -- eliminate them using the one simple change you can make RIGHT NOW to protect yourself from any illness or disease that 97% of men and women can't seem to find the solution for. See page 10
- Never guess about what went wrong. Never struggle with the temptation to quit again. Once you discover the master criminal behind your ability to stay persistent, you’ll find the real solution to fix all your problems with weight loss in as little as two weeks!
- An amazingly effective but commonly ignored technique to easily eliminate 78% of the temptations that drive a wedge between you and the body of your dreams! See page 14
- How to detect and fix the broken pieces of your neurological system – the very same system responsible for your likeliness to fail at anything which requires you to make a significant change in the lifestyle you have right now.
- Take a break from your typical worries and fears and find a brand new source of inspiration, encouragement, and guidance made specifically for you by using the unbeatable technique found on page 17
- Remember that voice inside your head? The one that keeps saying it’s okay to eat just one mouthwatering piece of cake; it’s okay to skip today’s work out and lose the chance to regain your strength and energy; It’s okay to quit because it’s just too hard and inconvenient to go another day… Imagine the feeling of self-control you’ll have when you’re finally able to say with absolute conviction -- No, I can do this!
- How to end the emotional battle and stress that comes from not knowing if losing weight is possible for you and experience the calm satisfaction you’ll receive from using the most therapeutic solution to virtually erase your worries and fears.
- You won’t just eliminate old fears and worries that hold you back – You’ll create a bullet proof shield that protects you and gives you full control over your deadliest fatty habits to replace them with new habits that are just as pleasurable and health conscious.
- Rather than struggle with the constant temptation to quit because of uncomfortable change… why not learn 5 simple techniques to take control of your emotions and empower yourself to make the necessary changes needed to lose every ounce of fat AND have the body of your dreams!
- Experience the immense pleasure you’ll receive getting compliments from you friends, family, your partner – telling you how slim you look, how sexy your body has become and how envious they are of the energy you have… All thanks these simple mental techniques you used to make the necessary changes in your life.
When You Purchased The ‘Red Smoothie Detox Factor’, It Proved One Thing…
That you clearly care about your health and the well-being of those you love. That’s why ’25 Usual Snacks To Diminish Your Fat’ and ‘Against All Odds’ is the perfect combination of books you need to help you produce maximum results with the ‘Red Smoothie Detox Factor’.
These two books have proven to be a major help to our current Red Smoothie Detox Factor Superstars. This can quite literally be the difference between completing the ‘Red Smoothie Detox Factor’ and shedding every pound of fat you hope to lose… or quitting halfway because of an excuse that would have been handled if you used these books.
Don’t take any chances on the future of your health! Picture the smile on your face when the body you see in the mirror is slimmer, with less fat, and has a healthy and vibrant glow. How surprised would you be on the day you realize the aching pain in your joints have disappeared and you’re moving your body with ease?!
THIS IS A NO-BRAINER - If you want to ensure maximum success, lose that annoying body fat, and feel 10 years younger... get these books right now!
The regular price for '25 Unusual Snacks To Diminish Your Fat is $39, but your special 80% discount brings the total price you’ll pay down to only $9! PLUS, you get ‘Against All Odds’ for FREE with your purchase for Today Only!
Claim Your Exclusive 80% Discount & FREE Book Now!
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